· Diana Montalion · Events  · 2 min read

Essential Non-linear Skills and Practices for Software Professionals -- JaxNY

In this workshop, you’ll understand how interrelated and interdependent parts (in people and software) act together to create patterns Through hands-on exercises and a real-world scenario, you'll You’ll learn to create conceptual models to guide impactful decisions.

In this workshop, you’ll understand how interrelated and interdependent parts (in people and software) act together to create patterns Through hands-on exercises and a real-world scenario, you'll  You’ll learn to create conceptual models to guide impactful decisions.

As the relational complexity of our software systems increases, our traditional, linear thinking approaches are insufficient. Software professionals, especially those building interdependent software and services need to think in systems. This workshop explores practices that help us holistically grasp how all the pieces of a software system or organization connect, interact, and influence outcomes. 

Systems thinking is becoming a core and critical skill. Cultivating the qualities of a systems thinker will help your career by increasing your positive impact through sound and trustworthy recommendations.

Transforming what we push to production, we must transform how we learn, communicate, and collaborate with others. In this workshop, you’ll understand how interrelated and interdependent parts act together to create patterns. You’ll learn to create conceptual models to guide impactful decisions, 

Through hands-on exercises and a real-world scenario, you’ll recognize the common mistakes orgs make when solving systems problems. You’ll use systems-thinking models and tools, and craft a recommendation amid complexity and uncertainty. Regardless of your role, these skills will help you lead impactful change within your organization.

 We’ll explore:    

  • How linear thinking limits your perspective on software systems.
  • How systems and nonlinear thinking help you understand and navigate complex issues arising from internal and external factors.
  • Methods for creating sound, cross-functional recommendations in the midst of complexity and uncertainty.
  • Using the iceberg model and leverage points to guide systemic change.
  • How nonlinear approaches improve the quality of architectural thinking (and is essential to systems design).
  • Solving a real-world systems challenge.
  • Providing a modern style of leadership as software becomes information systems.

We will work together on a systems challenge where there is no “right” answer, only the answers we can craft using systems thinking practices.

Join in!

Source: https://devm.io/jaxnewyork/program/session/workshop-systems-thinking-software-professional-skills

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